Shrawan Nepalis Curry Without Worry

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Curry without Worry was founded by fifty-one year old Shrawan Nepali in December of 2006. It serves soul pleasing food to the hungry people of San Francisco every Tuesday at 5.30PM. According to the website they have served over 78,400 meals as of January 8, 2013. Now that is many meals. Many of you reading this may be thinking that Mr Nepali comes from a rich family therefore can afford to do this, however you will be surprised to know that Shrawan spent much of his childhood in an orphanage in Kathmandu. It was only in 1985 that he received an opportunity to pursue higher education in the United States when his Peace Corp volunteer brother John Paul sponsored for his education.

Then onwards, Mr Nepali spent many years working as an accountant and later running his own Nepali restaurant Taste of the Himalayas. Though he no longer owns his restaurant business anymore Shrawan has devoted himself to serving the unfortunate. He has taken Curry without Worry over to Kathmandu where it runs every Tuesday and also opened an orphanage, Ama Foundation in Kathmandu.

If you happen to live nearby the UN Plaza in San Francisco then why not volunteer your time and sign up for a shift. If you can read this right now then you’re quite lucky. You have electricity, a computer and probably a phone too. One meal only costs $2.00 and donations are more than welcome on the official webpage of Curry without Worry.

Curry without Worry – Official Site

Photo by Adithya Sambamurthy
Photo by Adithya Sambamurthy

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Lex Limbu
Lex Limbu is a non-resident Nepali blogger based in the UK. YouTube videos is where he started initially followed by blogging. Join him on Facebook and follow him on Twitter.
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